Feb 18, 2020
On this episode of the Somewhat podcast, Frank Gruber and co-host John Guidos talk about their quest for better health and longevity.
Frank and John discuss some of the thing happening in his network as well his recent readings and upcoming events. The discussion was loosely based on the latest newsletter which is shared below.
Celebrating (People In My Network)
—Katie Stanton for launching Moxie
Ventures a $25M Fund to invest in startups.
—Trey Bowles launches
InnoCity Partners a boutique consulting firm focused on
smart city programs.
—Rami Essaid has raised $2M in funding
for his next company.
—Shama Hyder has raised $5M in funding
for their restaurant POS startup OneDine.
—Laurie Segall has been named a
correspondent for the new 60 Minutes Quibi program 60
IN 6.
—Finally, next weekend I’ll be celebrating
the life of my stepdad, who recently passed away.
I’ll miss him greatly.
You’re Invited
I’ll be headed back to Austin, Texas in March for South by
Southwest (SXSW) for the 12th year in a row and we’ll be hosting a
number of events at our house for the 10th year in a row
at the Established
House of Startups and Innovations on Saturday,
March 14, 2020. If you’re looking to do something special for your
company at SXSW, we still have some opportunities to get involved
as sponsors or with some unique customized experiences.
I invite you to join me at our
events – RSVP.
Mindfulness is becoming more mainstream and could be just
what people need.
Mindfulness Evolve From Wellness Pursuit to Medical
How AIM was the original social network.
was the killer app of 1997. It’s still shaping the internet
Confirmed. Working out makes you healthier.
—The Workout Drug
Finally, this internet thing might catch on.
Larson might be the longest internet holdout in history, god love
Fasting slows death.
in a 6-hour window and fasting for 18 hours might help you live
Scooters are everywhere but cities are not ready.
rode an electric scooter from every company operating in LA, and
saw exactly why American cities aren’t ready for them
Evidence of what can happen in a decade.
Decade of Urban Transformation Seen From Above
Vegas connected by a tunnel?
Musk says Boring Co’s Vegas tunnel will ‘hopefully’ be operational
in 2020
Dogs are more than just our best friends.
experience pain in a uniquely human way, study reports
One more thing about dogs.
poop in alignment with Earth’s magnetic field, study
And humans are trying to innovate so you don’t go as long.
corporate poo patrol is coming after your precious toilet
There’s now an app for coronavirus.
app has all the up-to-date information you need to know about the
Wuhan coronavirus
I just wrapped up reading the book Ninety Percent Mental by Bob
Tewksbury a former All-Star MLB pitcher for the Chicago
Cubs, St Louis Cardinals, Boston Red Sox, and currently a mental
coach for the Chicago Cubs. The lessons in the book can be applied
to baseball, business, and everyday life. Oh, and there are
only 9 days until pitchers and catchers report to Spring
Training, not that I was counting.
I just finished up Mr.
Robot’s final season and it’s a good one. It really makes
you think and now I feel like I have to go back and rewatch the
whole series to understand it better.
I’m enjoying the new album Circles by the late Mac Miller. You
might like the podcast
interviews I did with Steve Case, Mark Cuban, and Tim
Draper regarding “what they look for in a startup they
invest in.” Additionally, I really enjoyed talking with Sarah
Kunst, a venture capitalist who just raised a fund for
her firm Cleo Capital, in the recent
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