Oct 18, 2023
On this episode of the Somewhat Frank Podcast, Frank Gruber (@FrankGruber) and John Guidos (@JohnGuidos) discuss “Friday the 13th,” because many believe that the combination of Friday and the number “13” cancels out bad luck. According to a 2008 study by the Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics, reported by National Geographic, "there were fewer accidents on Friday the 13th than on any other Friday." Read more about the history of Friday the 13th - www.history.com/topics/folklore/friday-the-13th
The guys also discuss the following topics and articles…
California Bans Four Additives — it's about damn time! Let's go to America…we can demand better. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/10/1204839281/california-ban-food-additives-red-dye-3-propylparaben-candy
Americans eat long list of food banned in other countries - https://www.wthr.com/amp/article/money/consumer/american-europe-banned-foods-safety-fda-purdue-lab-experts/531-119bf785-1e68-49d7-bd60-720ce2b4c0ff
‘We’ll be living and working to 120 - and it will start within a decade’ says doctor. https://nypost.com/2023/09/23/doctor-stem-cells-will-extend-life-to-120-from-this-decade/
How to get rid of “brain fog”? https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2023/10/06/what-is-brain-fog/70466894007/
They guys are testing these gadgets:
Shiftwave chair — Shiftwave is a breakthrough Nervous System Training Technology delivering mental and physical restoration and optimization at the touch of a button. Benefits include improved sleep, recovery, immunity, etc. Pricing $10,500 online - https://shop.shiftwave.co/products/shift
Adobe Photoshop (Beta) - Generative AI capabilities - https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Adobe Scan - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-scan-pdf-ocr-scanner/id1199564834
Lastly, Frank and John are watching/listening to these shows/movies:
Icon (https://www.iconbuild.com) - 3-D printing homes on earth and maybe the moon (60 Minutes) - https://youtu.be/dXUX6dv2_Yo?si=mHXpLzBRkhnEZlAj
Radio Rental Podcast - https://radiorentalusa.com/
“Totally Killer” slasher flick on Prime - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11426232/
As always, thank you for listening and feel free to reach out and let us know what you think at: somewhatfrank@est.us
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